Design Tips for Beginners


1.Font Selection and Settings Scale
Use easy to read font type to design a simple and effective. Use fonts san-serif like Avenir, Nexa, Brandon Grotesque to get the modern design. Scaling is also important tablets to get cool design work. Use very large font for the title or the main message, and use a very small font (9-11pt) for paragraph font.

2.Note Color, Contrast and Brightness
For the selection of colors, use different tones of the same color (gradation). Play with contrasting colors, creating a wonderful blend of gradation. Adjusting the brightness level is also required so that the background can compensate for the color of the text on the design.

3.Keep It Simple
Make a simple work without changing the basic concept. Use contrasting tonal color combinations to ensure that text is crisp and easy to read. Applying frame will also improve the structure of design composition.

4.Playing With Symmetrical Line
Graphic design in general often consists of symmetrical lines adapted to other design components. Make sure the thickness of the symmetrical lines used in accordance with the type of thickness of the letters.

5.The empty space on the design
Application of empty areas (known as 'white space') around text, images, and other graphics features make your work look beautiful. Simple design can attract more attention than the design of the composition cluttered or to crowded.

6.Dont rush
Creating a good design work is closely connected with patience and diligence. Let your creativity run the tracks without being forced. Rest in advance, often you'll find new inspiration.

7.make moodboard
Make a collage Moodboards simple form that contains a collection of images, colors and other visual works. This will help you get an idea or inspiration to graphic design to be made and how manufacturing.

8.Think Outside The Box
make a different design or out of the box. Be creative, find a breakthrough idea or different from other designer.

9. Always Takes Notebook
Wherever you are, on the train, at work or when going to sleep tonight, take a small notebook with you. Inspiration can any time, therefore it is important to write them down before I forget. Drawing or sketching of inspiration is one useful way to store ideas.

10. Push Your Design To The Limit

Do not be afraid to show the totality of the design.
Errors in the design is a natural thing, and sometimes
they are the most important part of the learning experience.
Push your designs to the outer limits, so creative level you
will fully benefit.


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