Tips to Teach Yourself Design & Boost Your Design Skills.


1.Get a design crash course through interactive tutorials.
The problem is this: you’re pressed for time and money but you need to learn the basics of design, including terms and main principles fast. These tutorials can equip you with the foundation you need by giving you a design principle or lesson to focus on, then asking you to apply or practice that principle immediately. It’s intuitive learning and can be immediately applied to your future design projects.

2.Follow design blogs and read design books
Any student knows that learning is an on going process. With an ever-changing industry, it’s easy to get lost, or worse, become irrelevant if you don’t keep up. So, as a self-learner, you’ll need to remain updated with the latest news and trends by following design blogs and reading design books.

3.Gather design inspiration and learn the stories behind these artworks
Perhaps finding inspiration is going to be one of the main tasks on a daily basis. It is also one of the interesting tasks of a designer if you are the curious type. Search for viral ads and watch them carefully while you keep an open mind. Watch the ads with keen observation to take notice of why these ads did so well?
Another way to find inspiration and understanding of design is to look at the stories behind some of the most iconic brands of all times. Perhaps one of the best ways to show how design changes with the times and with a business is through the evolution of logos. Below is a quick look at logos of well-known brands and how they’ve transformed through the years.

4.Try to Participate In Design Communities
Let’s face the truth your work is not going to speak for itself. You might become very good in designing but if you’re looking to leverage your design skills, you need to put yourself out there.
So if you are thinking the best designers in the market are the best, well they are ones you have heard of. They are the ones that have built  a reputation for them by speaking at conferences, writing books and through self-promotion.
Make it a point to participate in design communities and you will build a reputation for yourself. You can start today by participating in an online community of designers.

5.Get Feedback on Your Work (and don’t be afraid of critique!)
Following tip #5, these forums are not only a great way to build a reputation, they’re also a great avenue for sharing your work and receiving feedback.
Deep down a lot of us are afraid of receiving critique of our work. We’ve poured so much passion and effort into an artwork so it would be quite difficult to hear criticism, even constructive ones. But taking and giving critiques are key to improving any skill — not just design. Remember, there’s often more things to learn when we make mistakes than when we get everything right. Ask for honest feedback and you might even learn new techniques, design trends and new ideas.

6.Experiment, Experiment, and Experiment
There is a funny thing about creative designing, you can approach a design from any number of ways but only a few will fit perfectly.
The design is all about the visual look and feel, so the best way to appeal to your audience is to practice more and more with your design. For example, let’s take typography – we can utilize it many ways to get a great visual design. The way we use fonts and typefaces carry a lot of meaning and they can completely change the message depending on how we use them. Experiment with different types and when in doubt keep it simple.

Another key element of your design is color. Once you are familiar with color psychology, experiment with different colors to create emotional connections with your audience. Practice with different color palettes, play around with highlight, contrast and fade out effects.


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